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MAY: How to Increase Your Income

Learn how to address your relationship with money, ask for more and improve your financial wellbeing.

When your core values are around community such as helping others, social justice and equity, asking for money can feel completely gross and very uncomfortable. Asking for more seems outrageous and don't even get started on....profit...

You want to have good financial wellbeing (you're not asking to a multi-millionaire), you just want to be paid properly for the work you do and the experience you bring.

In this workshop you'll learn how to:

  1. reflect on what's stopping you - I'll help you uncover what unconscious (or conscious) beliefs are holding you back from talking about money and asking for more

  2. ask for more - I'll share some tips and strategies for raising the subject of money and you'll walk away with some stock phrases you can use time and time again

If this resonates, come and join us on this lunchtime workshop.

Location: Zoom

April 16

APRIL: Growing Your Network

June 12

JUNE: Time is Finite